Lawn bowling is a game with several rules of etiquette. These rules, once learned and appreciated, create a pleasant game for all involved. Here are some guidelines to follow when playing lawn bowls in the UK:

1. Be on time: Timekeeping is perhaps one of the oldest rules on courtesy. The greatest way to start lawn bowling is by showing up on time for a game. Arriving on time will also give you adequate time to change before the game. Being early will also give you a chance to help organize the equipment and familiarize yourself with the game. Ensure all equipment, jacks and mats are in position before the game begins.

2. Dress appropriately: Ensure that you know the dress code for the game to avoid looking confused. Stay informed and pack your gear in good time to avoid forgetting the essentials. Remember not to arrive in your bowling shoes in case you carry harmful fungus to the greens.

3. Stand still when someone is about to bowl: Lawn bowling is a game of concentration. Distractions are of least importance when playing, and for this reason, you should avoid moving around when someone else is playing. If you are at the head, wait until the person playing is done bowling, then move. If you are at the same end as the player delivering the bowl, stay away from the mat and the player’s line of vision. You are expected to stand at least one meter behind the mat. On sunny days, ensure that your shadow is not cast upon the jack. Likewise, if you are in white shoes, avoid standing behind a white jack because your shoes will interfere with the player’s vision.

4. Be alert as you walk around adjacent rinks: Usually, bowl clubs will organize their rinks in parallel, which means the people next to you could be involved in a completely different game. When walking to a game, to the clubhouse or anywhere around the lawns, stay alert. It would be quite unfortunate if you walked into a game and tripped over a ball because you were not looking. Restrict all walking to the steps provided to avoid walking across other people rinks.

Please be aware of all others on the green and surrounds.